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A Whole New Meaning to Mother's Day

Next Sunday, May 10, is Mother’s Day, a day that for generations has been set aside to honor and celebrate the women who raised us.

In these challenging times, Mother’s Day holds a whole new meaning as women everywhere are stepping up to help each other and the world survive this crisis. We’re living through something we could not have imagined a year ago, taking on roles we didn’t train for, experiencing isolation and frustration as we shelter in place. But we can and will get through it! We’re tough, smart, resourceful, resilient, and we will come through this stronger than ever. This is what we are celebrating this Mother’s Day!

Mother's Day has always been a busy time at Eclectics. Thank you for your patronage over the last 29 years. We are working on plans to reopen soon, with new guidelines to keep you safe in our little shop. In the meantime, we are working on new ways to get our hearts and our art to you!

This Mother’s Day we are offering some of our art online for purchase. In addition to the limited edition Eclectics cookbooks and masks already available online, this week you can purchase for curbside pick-up any of the items below. Sales will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We miss you and can’t want to see you again!

Stay Safe and Be Well!

Happy Mother’s Day!

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